I am a senior student in the School of Computer and Electronic Information/School of Artificial Intelligence at Nanjing Normal University. My primary research interests include Human Computer Interaction, AI, Data Science, and Visualization. If you are seeking any form of academic cooperation, please feel free to email me at isguodong.chen@outlook.com.

At Nanjing Normal University, I’m fortunate to work as a research assistant in Data-Driven XR Visualization Group led by Professor Richen Liu (刘日晨) and Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Lab led by Professor Fengyi Song (宋凤义). Click here to view my CV.

🔥 News

I will apply for PhD programs this Fall. If you have openings in your group, please feel free to reach out to me!
  • 2023.06:  🎉 One patent application has been accepted by the authorities.

📖 Educations

  • 2020.09 - Now, Undergraduate, Nanjing Normal University, China
  • 2017.09 - 2020.06, High-School Student, Wenzhou High School, China

📝 Patent

VIS 2023

Medical data visualization method based on histogram and nonlinear embedded transfer function

Yu Zhu, Richen Liu, Xinru Li, Shuyu Bao, Xiaojian Chen, Guodong Chen, Rongxin Cang, Xiaohan Wang, Siyu Yan, Xiaojun Qian. CN116206735A, 2023.

💡 Research Background

Mini-Cloud Resource Managing System Development, Jul. 2023 - Aug. 2023

Online Project-based Learning (PBL), Interdisciplinary Research

Participant, Co-supervised by Prof. Maheswaran (McGill University) and Prof. Franchitti (New York University)

  • Reviewed appropriate technical journals relating to Docker container concepts and familiarized myself with fundamental concepts such as instantiation and management;

  • Created and managed a mini-cloud resource manager for 8 containers;

  • Processed datasets comprising more than 1,000,000 records in cloud computing environments;

  • Incorporated TensorFlow machine learning libraries to facilitate linear regression modeling of sample datasets.

Automated Hierarchical Object Detection Method for Fine Annotation of Subcomponents, Feb. 2023 - Jun. 2023

Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Lab, Nanjing Normal University

Research Assistant, Supervised by Prof. Fengyi Song

  • Reviewed extensive academic literature concerning hierarchical object detection;

  • Built a deep-learning model using Faster RCNN to analyze hierarchical data relationships between for object detection;

  • Evaluated performance of the derived model in relation to the experimental physics dataset;

  • Optimized the model by reducing small object missed detections and false alarms by 7% percent;

  • Assessed small object detection performance specifications of the derived model, including latency, mAP, Quality of Experience, etc.

Interactive Visualization of Biomedical Data in Both Immersive Environment and Extended Reality (XR), Oct. 2021 - Sep. 2022

Data-Driven XR Visualization Group, Nanjing Normal University

Research Assistant, Supervised by Prof. Richen Liu

  • Developed an immersive virtual reality platform for medical diagnostics by converting computerized inspection reports into 3D medical volume data;

  • Implemented advanced gesture-recognition technology and touchless control to manipulate angles and locations of volumetric medical data for visualization;

  • Developed a system to enhance MR (Mixed Reality) medical diagnosis.

Interactive Multi-user Medical Visualization and Immersive Volume Rendering, May. 2021 - Dec. 2021

Data-Driven XR Visualization Group, Nanjing Normal University

Research Assistant, Supervised by Prof. Richen Liu

  • Optimized and deployed a ray-casting algorithm for immersive 3D environment medical volumetric data interpretation;

  • Implemented a track seeding algorithm based on continuous scale space theory to facilitate 2D to 3D imaging migration;

  • Generated 3D textures using the seeding algorithm subsequent to multi-user interactions;

  • Tested multi-user rendering of 3D volumetric data in the derived immersive environment.

👨‍🎓 Teaching Experience

  • Fall, 2023, Teaching Assistant, Machine Learning Course, Nanjing Normal University
  • 2021.09 - 2023.06, Assistant Mentor, School of Computer and Electronic Information, Nanjing Normal University

📚 Selected Projects

Cracking Wordle: Predicting Wordle Results

Resolution of Problem C, 2023 Mathematical Contest in Modeling (MCM)

  • Developed Prophet, Multilayer Perceptron, and K-Means Clustering models to forecast future Wordle results by categorizing word difficulty to predict score results accordingly;

  • Achieved rates of almost 90% in terms of predictive accuracy relatve to word difficulty;

  • Designed an innovative Normal Distribution Principle Components Analysis algorithm to retain predictive model accuracy

Agridentify: Agricultural Object Detection Model Based on PP-YOLOE+ and Copy-Paste

18th National University Student Intelligent Vehicle Competition

  • Developed an agricultural object detection model using PaddlePaddle-YOLOE+;

  • Trained the model using a dataset including 8 types of agricultural objects and a total of 4770 samples;

  • Utilized copy-paste data augmentation to improve detection accuracy from 85% to approximately 95%;

  • Achieved a top-10% ranking during the competition with an F1-score of 0.98913 (i.e., within 0.005 of the top ranked competing team).

VueForum: a BBS forum with PHP front-end and Vue framework back-end

Team Leader, Software Engineering Course project

  • Developed a functional forum website with user interaction capabilities by implementing back-end Vue framework functions with integrated MySQL database access.

🎖 Honors and Awards

  • 2023.05 Meritorious Winner, 2023 Mathematical Contest in Modeling
  • 2023.04 First Prize, Feng Ruer Scholarship, Nanjing Normal University
  • 2023.03 Technology Star, Nanjing Normal University
  • 2022.11 First Prize, Excellent Student Scholarship, Nanjing Normal University
  • 2022.11Third Prize, China Collegiate Mathematics Competition, Jiangsu Division
  • 2022.08 Third Prize, China Collegiate Computer Design Contest
  • 2022 Merit Student, Nanjing Normal University

🎮 Hobbies

Football, Game Design, Video Editing

I did Mathematical Olympiad in high school.

🗺 Map of Visitors

Last updated: Nov. 22, 2023